Yield Not To Temptation
Thursday, December 28, 2023Key Verse
“Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” James 1:12
Text — James 1:12-16
Temptation is an enticement to do evil. It is not a sin to be tempted, but yielding to it is sin. Everyone faces temptation at one time or the other. Even Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord was tempted of the devil, but He overcame. He did not fall into temptation because He knew the word to use against the tempter. Most times, a person is tempted through what he or she likes/enjoys.
John’s mom who is a caterer often bakes cakes and cookies. Her children like to eat them a lot. One day, she had a lot of cookies and cakes to bake so much that almost every space in her kitchen was covered with these baked items. Suddenly, a thought came to John’s mind to pick a cookie to eat since there were so many and his mom would not know any was missing. He kept thinking of this suggestion in his mind and after sometime, he dropped the idea. He eventually told his mom he wanted a cookie and his mom told him that she had counted the ones there to meet the demand of the people who requested for them. John realized that if he had yielded to the temptation to take the cookie without informing his mom, he would have sinned against her. Yield not to temptation. Make Jesus your Friend and He will help you to overcome all the temptations.
Further Reading
Matthew 4:1-11
Prayer for today
Lord Jesus, help me to always overcome temptations as You did.