“What Is Your Answer?”
Thursday, June 27, 2024Key Verse
“He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?” Matthew 16:15
Text — Matthew 16:13-18
It is said that there are about 8 billion people living in this world. Suppose one tenth of this number have question to ask within one minute, the answers to most of these questions may be of only a temporary profit to the people who asked the questions. The question in our key verse is directed to everyone on earth. Giving a right answer to the question of the Lord Jesus Christ today will bring everlasting blessing on us. Sometimes, our thoughts and actions may answer the question before we even speak. You can show others who Jesus is to you by what you think, say and do at a particular time.
What is your own answer to Jesus’s question? If your answer is, He is the Saviour of the world; has He saved you from sins? You may say, He is your Master and Lord, but do you always obey His instructions? If you say He is the Holy Son of God, has He washed your heart clean from every sin? If you say, He is your Friend, do you always speak with Him or tell others about His love for them? Let your action be a confirmation of your answer to this important question.
Further Reading
Philippians 3:8-10
Prayer for today
Lord, You mean everything to me; my Saviour, Healer, Provider, Lord and my Friend.