Why Worry
Tuesday, June 6, 2023Key Verse
“Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature” (Mathew 6:27).
Text — Matthew 6:25-33
Someone asked, “Do you have a problem? Yes or no, why worry? Do you have the solution? Yes or no, why worry?’’ Worry is an absence of peace of mind often caused by a perceived danger leading to a mental distress or agitation. Many times the things youths needlessly worry about are usually what they cannot change. So why worry? Do not worry about what you can or cannot change. Saul and the army of Israel feared and worried about their war with the Philistines because of the giant, Goliath. However, when David appeared on the scene without fear and worry, but faith in God, the story changed and victory was achieved as the seemingly insurmountable giant was brought down. Hallelujah!
Worrying paralyses your faith in God’s power to save or deliver. To the saved youth, Christ has offered you His shoulders to lean on in times of challenges. Therefore, cast your care upon Him for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). To the unsaved youth, come to the Saviour and He will turn your worries to worship.
He will turn your worries to worship
Do not worry about what you can or cannot change.
Prayer for today
Holy Father, give me victory over my worries, in Jesus’ name.
I thank God almighty for his word that I should not worry, as long as I have been saved through christ, I can do all things through him that strength me