Key Verse
“He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?” Matthew 16:15
Text — Matthew 16:15-19
What others know about a person matters, though very little. This is because what others say or think about someone may be very wrong or incomplete. There are many people who have had to apologize to someone for forming wrong opinions about him or her based on what people said. We cannot judge someone rightly with hearsay. People then and even now have taken it upon themselves to say many things about Jesus. It is very painful that many of these people know nothing or very little about Christ.
Jesus was concerned about what people said about Him.
Knowing that it is only those who form the right opinion about Him that can fully benefit from Him.
Many miss God’s gift of salvation because of what they think about the Saviour. “But whom say ye that I am?” Jesus asked His disciples. If any other group of people failed to know Him, it shouldn’t be His disciples.
The reason is that those who suffer and labor with Him should not go without enjoying the eternal blessing of living with Him in heaven. Secondly, it will not be possible for the disciples to preach the good news of salvation if they do not first know the Saviour. Who is Jesus to you? Is He your Saviour and Your Lord? If you know Jesus, then make Him known to others through your words and lifestyle.
Further Reading
Mark 8:29
Prayer for today
Jesus, I surrender to you as my Saviour and Lord.