“Value of Good Name”
Tuesday, April 23, 2024Key Verse
“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.” Proverbs 22:1
Text — Proverbs 22:1-7
A name is a means of identification of people, places or things. Parents give their children names that reflect who or what they stand for or where they come from. Some parents give names from the Bible to their children because they want them to have godly character like the person whose name they bear. A child’s name is important because it can influence his/her characters in life.
Though our names were given to us by our parents, God knows them and places a high value on them. God told Joseph that Virgin Mary his wife would bring forth a Son and His name shall be called JESUS. That Name has turned out to be the most valuable name, in fact the only Name through which mankind can be saved from sin. Do you appreciate and value that Name? Have you called on Him for the salvation of your soul? He is willing to save you now. You also have a name to keep, cherish and protect – child of God. Do not allow the negative influence of the world destroy the value of the good name Jesus has given you. Live for Him, stand for Him and let your character show the value of the good name you have.
Further Reading
Philippians 2:9-11
Prayer for today
Father, help me not to drag the good name You have given me in the mud.