Key Verse
“Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience” James 1:3
Text — James 1: 2- 4
Trials, afflictions, difficulties, troubles of life, temptations and persecutions are normal experiences of genuine Christians. When Christians are passing through all these experiences, they should not feel or think that God has forsaken them. God does not and will never forget or forsake His children.
Many students naturally fear school examination, even when they have prepared very well. Yet, examination is a part of growth for the students and very essential for knowledge and capability testing. Examination is intended to develop a sense of responsibility in the learners and to prove they understand the topic or subject being taught. Examination improves the student’s overall personality, confidence and memory. Trial to Christians is like examination. Trials are unavoidable if you must grow as a Christian. It makes you get farther from the world, but closer to God.
Knowing therefore the benefits of trials, it is important that Christians put up the right attitude at the moment of trials. It is not time to complain, grumble or say negative things, rather, it is time to rejoice that you are counted worthy to suffer for Jesus’ sake. Be patient during trials, look up unto God for grace and strength. God will see you through all your trials and make you stronger.
Further Reading
2 Corinthians 6:4-10
Prayer for today
O God, give me strength to patiently go through trials of life and come out stronger.
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