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The Wonders Of Prayer

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“On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour” (Acts 10:9).

TEXT — Acts 10:9-20


Many centuries and generations have rolled by. Yet prayer has remained the most effective means of communing with and receiving from God. Through prayer, revelations have been received, situations have improved, the sick have been healed, lives have been preserved and destinies have been turned around.

We see Apostle Peter receiving a vision for the inclusion of the Gentile nations into the commonwealth of God. The Apostle had a very personal relationship with the Lord while He was on earth and sustained the close communion through prayers. The drama in the trance was to convince Peter, who had a bias against spreading the good news of the gospel to non-Jews.

No one can substitute personal relationship and communion with God for any other activity or commitment. Such activity without a one-on-one relationship with God, will sooner or later lead to frustration in life and disappointment in eternity. Man is created by default to seek God individually and depend on Him for daily survival and sustenance. Except man establishes a thriving and consistent personal relationship with God, there will be hindrances to get a proper footing in life.

Personal relationship with God begins with repentance of your sins and accepting Christ as personal Lord and Saviour. Once born again and accepted into the family of God, He wants you to talk to Him often through prayers. Prayer enhances the strength of our relationship with God because it is one of the ways to attract His presence and be in fellowship with Him. Getting down on our knees helps us get back on our feet. In the course of our daily prayer, we speak to God and in turn, hear Him speak back to us. Visions, direction, the mind of God and answer to prayers are received to empower us for life and for God’s service.

Thought for the day

Strong relationship with God thrives through prayers.
  • Bible
  • in one year
  • EZEKIEL 22 – 24
Pastor W.F. Kumuyi
About Author - Pastor W.F. Kumuyi

Listed among “500 most powerful people on the planet” by the Foreign Policy magazine in 2013, Pastor (Dr.) William F. Kumuyi is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry (DCLM) headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. DCLM started in 1973 as a 15-member Bible study group right in Kumuyi’s apartment at University of Lagos where he was a lecturer. His revolutionary Bible teaching on personal holiness and commitment to evangelism soon gained so much traction and resulted in a widespread revival.


    PRAYER must be: Purposeful and Practical,
    Regular and Acceptable, from a Yearning and Effectual heart leading to Revival
    PRAYER is asking from God what one needs and want according to HIS revealed will in HIS Word.
    PRAYER is talking to God with absolute concentration and without any external interference.

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