“The Wise And Foolish Virgins”
Thursday, February 22, 2024Key Verse
“And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.” Matthew 25:2
Text — Matthew 25:1-13
The story of the wise and foolish virgins teaches us the importance of getting ready for Christ’s second coming. His coming as the Bible records will be like a thief in the night and that is why you need to be prepared at all times. The five foolish virgins did not take enough oil in their lamps, while they were waiting for the bridegroom, their lamps began to go dim. They were forced to go abegging. When they failed to get, they had to hurriedly go out of the venue to look for oil. While they went, the bridegroom came and took the other five wise virgins in for the wedding banquet.
It is often said that he who fails to plan, plans to fail. The foolish virgins did not make adequate preparation for their journey and they missed the blessing. Learn from this and always make preparation for the coming of the Lord by – watching, praying and living a holy life. Christ can come any moment from now. The question is, are you ready?
Write three important things you must do daily to get you prepared for the rapture.
Further Reading
Matthew 24:36-42
Prayer for today
Make me ready oh Lord, for Your second coming.