Key Verse
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
Text — Acts 4:10-12
A muster point is a location or an are amarked out where all employees, guests, or visitors to an office, work site, or large crowd can assemble in the event of an emergency. Even in the midst of an emergency, the muster point ensures that everyone knows where to gather. It is also known as an emergency assembly point (EAP). A muster point is an essential safety measure for any construction site. These mustering points, as well as the routes to them, must be clearly marked and easy to find at any time of the day or night. Signs should direct people to the mustering point.
All have sinned and are on their way to hell fire. But God in His love made a way of escape from hell fire. The escape route is Jesus, the Son of God and the Saviour of the whole world. God gave Him to the world to die and redeem us from sin and judgment of God upon sinners. Any sinner that wants to escape hell fire must therefore repent and accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and personal Lord. There is fire ahead! This is an emergency call to all. Jesus is the only Muster point to escape hell fire. Come to Jesus now before it is too late!
Further Reading
John 3:14-18
Prayer for today
Oh God, help me to remain in Jesus so that I can escape Hell fire