Key Verse
“And the gospel must first be published among all nations.” Mark 13:10
Text — Mark 13:5-10
The most essential task is to preach the gospel. This is the responsibility placed on every child who is a friend of Jesus. As far as you have repented of your sins, your duty is to preach the gospel to sinners. Jesus Christ before leaving this world gave the assignment to all His disciples and by extension to all His friends today to ensure that everyone in the world hears the gospel of Christ. The end of the world will not come until every nation hears the gospel. This is the desire of God that all should repent, but if they refuse to repent, judgment will come.
What should we do to ensure that the whole world hears about Christ? We can start by talking about Jesus to our family members, friends, school mates, neighbours, teachers and parents. Warn them of the danger of remaining in sin and that they must genuinely repent of their sins so that they can inherit eternal life. If you are committed to this task, the Lord will bless you and on the final day you will have stars in your crown. The following can be of help to you as you undertake the most essential task – tracts, Christian literature and sound character.
Further Reading
Mark 16:15-20
Prayer for today
Heavenly Father, give me the power and boldness to preach the gospel.