The Little Unnamed Maid.
Monday, April 24, 2023Key Verse
“And one went in, and told his lord, saying, Thus and thus said the maid that is of the land of Israel.” 2 Kings 5:4
Text — 2 Kings 5:1-9,14
There are many ways to carry out the great commission. If you bring the one next to you and I bring the one next to me, in no time at all, we’ll win the whole world for Jesus.
Although the name of the little maid was not mentioned in our Bible passage, but the deed of telling her master about the great power of the God of heaven is forever on record.
This maid did not dwell on the fact that she had been taken captive and was a slave in a foreign land. She used the opportunity she had to introduce her master and his household to the God of heaven.
Like the little maid, you too can tell the one next to you about Jesus. You don’t need to be fluent in speech or wait till you are given the title “Pastor” or “Preacher” People around you need the Lord.
It is only Jesus that can give hope to the hopeless, peace to the weary, and bind up the brokenhearted. There is no situation so bad that He cannot redeem. Take action now by going out to tell sinners about the love of Jesus. Great rewards await you.
Further Reading
Acts 8:35
Prayer for today
Lord, make me Your mouthpiece to bring sinners around me to You.