Key Verse
“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.” Psalms 121:1-2
Text — Psalm 121:1-8
Sally attended the boarding school when the mobile phone was not yet in use. His parents only followed the school calendar to know when to visit and when to expect him back home. On one occasion, Sally had spent his money for his transport back home on a project in the school. He confidently told the driver to drive him home, that once he got home his father would pay the driver. Sally knew that his father would be waiting for him at this time and always ready to help.
Our God is far greater than Sally’s father and He awaits ourrequest at all times. So take the lift of faith as you
L-Look up to God in prayers for all your needs.
I- Imagine the answers to your prayers.
F-Firmly believe that it is done already.
T-Thank Him for the answers to your prayers.
Further Reading
Mark 10:46-52
Prayer for today
Dear Father, I know You cannot fail, help me to trust You for help at all times.