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The Fruit Bearing Life Part 2- Joy

Key Verse

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,” Galatians 5:22

Text — Galatians 5:22-26

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,” Galatians 5:221 Peter 1:7,8Lord, fill my life with unlimited joy in Jesus’ Name.


Joy is number two on the list of the fruit of the Spirit. It is different from happiness in that happiness comes from things that satisfy fleshly desires like new toy, moving to a new house, having lots of food and ice-cream to eat etc. Joy comes from the Holy Spirit and it is from within the heart.

Joy is not just a feeling, but a deep knowledge of the fact of knowing that God loves you and He’s always there by your side either on a rainy or sunny day. Joy makes you find contentment in God as you hold on to His word and promises and abide in His presence. Even when you lose your favourite toy or you’re sick and have to take some rest, you’re not sad nor blame God, but can still sing – l’ve got a joy like a river in my soul. Jesus is the Giver of true joy for in Him dwells the fullness of all things. Therefore, surrender your life to Him.

Further Reading

1 Peter 1:7,8

Prayer for today

Lord, fill my life with unlimited joy in Jesus’ Name.

Pastor W.F. Kumuyi
About Author - Pastor W.F. Kumuyi

Listed among “500 most powerful people on the planet” by the Foreign Policy magazine in 2013, Pastor (Dr.) William F. Kumuyi is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry (DCLM) headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. DCLM started in 1973 as a 15-member Bible study group right in Kumuyi’s apartment at University of Lagos where he was a lecturer. His revolutionary Bible teaching on personal holiness and commitment to evangelism soon gained so much traction and resulted in a widespread revival.

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