Key Verse
“And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them and he healed their sick” (Matthew 14:14).
Text — Matthew 14:13-15
A story was told of a newly wedded couple who were hanging out in the woods when suddenly a lion appeared from nowhere to attack the wife. The husband could not watch his new bride being torn to shreds by the lion, therefore, he braced up for a fight to kill the lion and save his wife. Though he was seriously wounded by the lion, he succeeded in killing it.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ left all His riches in glory out of compassion to come and die for the sinful world. From our Bible text, we see how He in His compassion did not only heal the sick, and fed the multitude but also paid the supreme price by dying for our sins. In His compassion, He went everywhere preaching the gospel of the kingdom and meeting the needs of the people. As youth, having Christ-like compassion, we must reach out to others around us with the gospel of Christ and meet their needs, whether financial, physical or spiritual, as Mary Slessor did.
He went everywhere preaching
Are you compassionate like Christ?
Prayer for today
Lord! Make me compassionate like you.