Key Verse
“Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha.” John 11:5
Text — John 11:1-5
Bethany in a small village in Judaea. It was the home of Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus. They were siblings (children born of the same parents) who loved themselves. Jesus also loved them because they loved and followed Him. He was their Friend as they were His friends. They knew that Jesus was the Son of God Who had the power to perform miracles. One day, Lazarus fell ill and his sisters sent a message to Jesus to come so He could pray and heal their brother.
Jesus did not go to Bethany immediately and Lazarus died before He got there four days later. This made Lazarus’ sisters sad and they were unhappy because they thought that all hope was lost. However, when Jesus got there, He assured them that Lazarus would rise again. Jesus never comes late to meet His friends’ needs.
Jesus Christ has the power to heal the sick and raise the dead. He demonstrated this power when He got to where the dead body of Lazarus was laid. He said a short prayer, God answered and Lazarus came back to life. Faith in God can make the impossible possible in your life and family. There is nothing too hard for God to do. Whatever you’re passing through, trust Him, pray in faith and you will receive answers from Him. Jesus loves all mankind and cares for everyone.
Further Reading
Luke 7:11-17
Prayer for today
Lord, please help me to believe in Your power to make the impossible possible.