Key Verse
“But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.” Psalm 102:27
Text — Psalm 102:24-27
All living things – plants and animals, including human beings grow and die. God is not like that, He does not age or die. He will not grow older as the years go nor will He become weaker with time. He dwells in an endless eternity. He does not change. The Bible declares in Hebrews 13:8 that “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” He is the Creator of all things who have been before anything that exists now. The never-changing nature of God gives us the assurance that whatever He promises us as His children will be given to us.
You may think that time is going and you have not received the fulfillment of His promises, this is because you are limited by age. God is not limited by age; He is the ageless God who remains in control of the entire universe.
He does not change and He is not a man that He should lie, whatever promise He gives you He will fulfill – hold on to His words. Search the scriptures, identify God’s promises for your life and situation, confess and hold on to them and you will receive your expectation. Your joy will be full in Jesus’ Name.
Further Reading
Hebrews 1:10-12
Prayer for today
My Father and my God, help me to acknowledge that You are the ageless One and hold on to Your promises which cannot fail.
It appears the person (robot) reading the sincere milk is not clear enough. I guess some children (perhaps adults also) might be struggling to understand the reader. Is it possible to change the reader as you did for adult?