“Tale-Bearing: The Mother Of Strife”
Saturday, February 10, 2024Key Verse
“Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.” Proverbs 26:20
Text — Proverbs 26:20-23
In the olden days and even nowadays in some places, heat for warming or cooking was obtained by placing two logs of wood together and setting the touching ends on fire. The simplest way of putting out the fire was to separate the touching edges. When two or more people sit together, they are bound to talk. A talebearer is someone that spreads gossips and rumours. Talebearing is the spreading of false news. It is punishable by the law in many countries. Children talk too, they talk with their friends about other people.
They talk about their parents, teachers, neighbours and others. They talk about what they know and what they do not know. But whether what they say is true or not, as long as your words can cause misunderstanding or bring a reproach to others, you have sinned.
You must be very careful of what you tell people about others. Your evil words will separate friends and cause a quarrel or a fight among people. Watch what you say today Separate from everyone that wants to gossip with you. God will bless or punish you according to your words.
Further Reading
James 3:1,2
Prayer for today
Spirit of the Living God, please be in control of all I say.
I was blessed