Key Verse
“He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).
Text — 1 John 3:4-10
Sin is defined as, “the transgression of the law.” Law includes the common rules in school and society that prevent harm to our neighbours. God gave law as a manual to mankind for navigating the often tough world. It is meant to keep peace, purity, progress and prepare us for eternity with God. The careless association with the ungodly questions from the Serpent, the mouth piece of Satan, led to the fall and the loss of the Garden of Eden by Adam and Eve.
Satan is the originator of sin. Hence, “He that committeth sin is of the devil.” Jesus came to this world to reconcile us to God by His blood atonement. Unfortunately many youths continue in sin, which endangers their spiritual stability. They become weak and helplessly bonded to Satan who is herding them to hell fire. Those who are linked to anti gospel social media propagation bring themselves under curses and rebukes meant for Satan. Be wise and return to the Lord Jesus to escape the eternal consequences designed for Satan.
Many youths continue in sin
Refrain from association with sinners
Prayer for today
Lord, teach me to obey you always.