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Revival Of True Worship

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Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and they said, The LORD, he is the God… (1Kings18:38, 39)

Text — 1 Kings 18:30-40


One meaning of revival is awakening strong interest in religion. When people have lost deep passion in the true worship of God, there is need for revival. Jesus said, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him” (John 4:23). Instead of true worship, Israel turned to the   worship of Baal. God had to discipline them with famine for three and a half years, until Elijah came and restored true worship.

Prophet Elijah in our text, was used by God to restore true worship in Israel. Christians need to also pray for personal and national revival of true worship. True worship is characterized by love for God, an unbroken fellowship with the Triune God, studying and meditating on God’s Word, as well as prayer and praise. You must be born again to have the grace for true worship. True worship is devoid of unscriptural preaching, teaching, music, dance, and unholy lifestyle. Unsaved youths must repent of all sins for acceptable worship.


There is need for revival.


God is looking for true worshippers.

Prayer for today

Rain down the fire of true worship on me, oh Lord

Pastor W.F. Kumuyi
About Author - Pastor W.F. Kumuyi

Listed among “500 most powerful people on the planet” by the Foreign Policy magazine in 2013, Pastor (Dr.) William F. Kumuyi is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry (DCLM) headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. DCLM started in 1973 as a 15-member Bible study group right in Kumuyi’s apartment at University of Lagos where he was a lecturer. His revolutionary Bible teaching on personal holiness and commitment to evangelism soon gained so much traction and resulted in a widespread revival.

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