Sunday, July 16, 2023Key Verse
“And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made” Genesis 2:2
Text — Genesis 2:1-3
Rest means to cease from work or movement in order to relax, sleep or recover strength. Rest is very important especially after a long period of work. All work without rest will result into a stressful life, boredom or even sickness.
God our Creator, gave us example to follow when He observed rest after six days of work. Jesus our Lord and Master also encouraged His disciples to come apart and take some rest. As children, you need about eight (8) hours of rest at night and at least, an hour of siesta in the afternoon.
Benefits of rest include: Healthier immune system, reduced stress, better metabolism, improved mood, good brain development and lots more. Plan out your day and ensure you include periods of rest to enhance better productivity in every area of your life. Remember, rest is sweet after labour, so don’t spend all your day turning on your bed in the name of rest. The rule is to work hard and rest well!
Further Reading
Mark 6:30-32
Prayer for today
Dear Father, help me to work and take rest as much as necessary.