Key Verse
“Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.” 2 Corinthians 3:16
Text — 2 Corinthians 3:12-18
The vail is used as a covering over a place. It was used in the temple at the time of the Old Testament to cover the holy of holies so no one would see the priest when he was receiving instructions and revelations from God. When Moses came back from mount Sinai where he had gone to receive the law, he had to cover his face with a vail because of the shining glory on his face. From behind the vail, Moses read God’s covenant to the people. Today we are in the period of grace which is the New Testament period, the physical vail has been removed, “and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” We do not need to go through Moses or any of the prophets to speak to God, we now have direct access unto the Father through Jesus Christ.
You have the liberty to call on God for your needs and it shall be granted unto you. You do not need to go through a prophet or priest to make your request known to God, Hallelujah. The vail has been removed, we now have free access to God the Father, so whatever be your challenge today, God is there to meet you at the point of your need.
Further Reading
Exodus 34:27-35
Prayer for today
Let every vail blocking my blessings be removed today in Jesus’ Name.