Refuse To Be Defiled
Thursday, July 13, 2023Key Verse
“All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.” Mark 7:23
Text — Mark 7:18-23
Joseph was a God-fearing young man who refused to be defiled by running away from Potiphar’s wife. To be defiled means to make unclean, dirty or impure. Other words that have the same meaning as defile include – contaminate, pollute, spoil, desecrate and violate. This shows why it is very important for every child to run away from anyone and anything that can defile him.
There are many things that defile children today. What are those things? The Bible identified the major cause of defilement as iniquity. Iniquity covers all kinds of sins such as immorality, boyfriend/girlfriend sinful relationships, lying, anger, bitterness, pride, backbiting, cheating and others. A defiled child cannot receive God’s blessings except he repents. Check your life, are you defiled? Pray for forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus. As a friend of Jesus, be watchful, prayerful and keep yourself away from activities that can defile your life.
Further Reading
Psalm 119:1
Prayer for today
Lord Jesus, please cleanse me from all forms of defilement.