Key Verse
“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them” (Acts 16:25).
Text —Acts 16:16-26
Paul and Silas called and joined together by the will of God to do the work of God, set their eyes on the commission of Christ. They laboured together in the vineyard of God, travelled together to distant lands to proclaim the liberating gospel of Christ. They performed miracles through the power of God who strengthened them. They suffered together under the fury of evil men and evil spirits who were rattled by the thunder of their proclamations. In their suffering and persecutions, they prayed and sang together to the One who was able to deliver them. And they saw the power and miracle of God as He broke down the prison doors to deliver them. What a great team! What a winning team! What a purposeful team!
From the biblical account of Paul and Silas, we learn the value of faithful companions and dedicated servants of the Lord in spreading the gospel. Paul and Silas were like-minded and equally committed to the service of God. Their loyalty to the gospel and to each other is a model for believers today.
Paul and Silas were like-minded
Believers ought to work together as a team.
Prayer for today