Proof Of His Resurrection – Part 1.
Wednesday, March 8, 2023Key Verse
“And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:4).
Text — 1 Corinthians 15:1-9
The Mathematician and scientist G. B. Hardy (1877 – 1947), while searching for the true religion said, “I really have only two questions. One: Has anybody ever cheated death? And two: Did he make a way for me to follow? Those are my only two questions.” In his quest, he discovered that the tombs of all religious leaders that ever lived were occupied. But Jesus’ tomb became empty three days after He was crucified – Jesus cheated death, which answered his first question. G. B. Hardy found the answer to his second question in the Bible, where Jesus Himself said, “Because I live, you shall live also.”
Paul’s account of many witnesses and Jesus’ empty tomb are proofs of His resurrection. Many still doubt Christ’s resurrection today as they erroneously believe it is a fictitious story. The Scriptures which cannot lie, tell us that He was seen not just by His apostles, but also above 500 brethren at once. At the time of Paul’s writing, several of those witnesses were still alive and available for questioning. Jesus’ resurrection guarantees our redemption.
Resurrection guarantees our redemption
Do you know the risen Saviour personally?
Prayer for today
Holy Father, let the power that raised Christ dwell in me.
Thank God for daddy KUMUYI