Personal Grooming
Tuesday, August 15, 2023Key Verse
“… and had neither dressed his feet, nor trimmed his beard, nor washed his clothes,” 2 Samuel 19:24a
Text — 2 Samuel 19:24
Personal grooming refers to the cleaning and maintaining each and every part of the body for a pleasing appearance. Personal grooming from the above definition has three parts:
(i) Cleaning – brushing our teeth, thorough bathing, washing of our clothes and underwear.
(il) Maintenance – good haircut, well-made hair, well-trimmed nails.
(ili) Pleasing appearance – well-brushed/combed hair, neat and well-ironed clothing free of bad odours, well kept facial appearance.
As much as God wants our hearts to be holy so that we can dwell with Him at last, He is also interested in our personal cleanliness so that we don’t constitute nuisance to others in school and in the place of worship. In the Old Testament, God instructed Moses to ask the children of Israel to wash their clothes before they came to meet Him on the mount.
Cleanliness they say is next to godliness because how can you preach to others when your mouth smells or you look unkempt? You must attract people to Jesus through your inward and outward cleanliness.
Further Reading
Exodus 19:10-14
Prayer for today
Lord, please help me to maintain inward and outward cleanliness always.
It’s helped my kids understand that we must always be prepared