Key Verse
“But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.” 2 Thessalonians 3:13
Text — 2 Thessalonians 3:13-16
Two little children, trekking back from school, were so frightened, careful and watchful. They had heard a story in school of one small boy that was knocked down by a car. The part of the story that pained them most was that the other road users could not stop to help the boy on time. Each of them was afraid that doing so would lead them into trouble. Why is it easier for people to do what is evil than to do what is good? The murderers, terrorists, rapists, kidnappers and other criminals continue in their evil ways without minding the consequences. But people are afraid or get quickly tired to show kindness to others. Many lives would have been saved if people love to do good rather than evil.
Our key verse is a divine instruction to friends of Jesus. We should not be afraid or hold ourselves back any time we have opportunity to help those in need. Do you complain when others ask you for help? But you will be pleased if someone come to your aid. Don’t ever act as if you are saying, “I helped somebody yesterday, I am tired to help another today.” “Be not weary in well doing!” Let doing good be a part of your lifestyle.
Further Reading
Hebrews 13:16
Prayer for today
Lord, You are always good to me, help me to be ready to do good to others around me.