Making Miracles Happen – Part 2
Tuesday, April 9, 2024Key Verse
“Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean” (2 Kings 5:14).
Text — 2 Kings 5:8-14
David Ingles wrote in one of his songs that:
Jesus did miracles to meet human need
that men might believe
And almost always used common men
Who held in their hands common things
It’s in your hands you hold a miracle
Though not much to you turn it to Him
And He’ll take what you give to Him
And make it what you want to be
A miracle it’s in your hands
You’re the one to set in motion miracle that you desire…
Naaman, in our text had leprosy, and was directed to Prophet Elisha for healing. Naaman was first suspicious and annoyed by the seemingly simple remedy, but after following the prophet’s directions, he was miraculously cleansed of his leprosy. God requires simple obedience and humility from us. Answers to our difficulties might occasionally come from unexpected places. Keep an open mind and confidence in God’s capacity to act in our lives, even if His solutions appear simple. Never underestimate the power of faith or God’s ability to act in our lives and in unexpected ways.
God requires simple obedience
You are the one who must initiate the desired miracle.
Prayer for today
Dear God, work a miracle in my life today, in Jesus’ name.