Love As God Loves.
Friday, March 3, 2023Key Verse
“Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” 1 John 4:11
Text — 1 John 4:11-16
Love is an inner feeling of deep affection for somebody or something. The greatest power
known to man is that of love. Love is the universal language of man and animal alike. Scientific studies have shown that love causes our body to release hormones that make us feel good and bring out specific, positive reactions in us.
The greatest expression of love is God’s love for humanity.
This love brought His redemption to us through Jesus Christ. In Jesus, God has restored all things that were lost in the Garden of Eden. The sin of Adam separated us from God, but the death of Jesus Christ restores us to God and all His provisions. God’s love is so different from our love. God always shows love toward us, for He is love. God can never stop loving. It is in His very nature to love. We need to accept God’s love into our lives so that we can love as He does. Let God fill you with His love. Ask Him to help you love people and see them through His eyes. As we continue to walk with Jesus and choose to respond with love, the more God’s love grows in us.
The best way to show the love of God is to tell sinners about God’s love and salvation through the blood of Jesus. Show them how they can be free from sin and become children of God. You can love by being kind and generous to people. Learn to give, just as God gave us Jesus. Choose today to love in God’s way.
Further Reading
1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Prayer for today
O God, teach me to show love like You.
The word of God is a lamp unto my feet