Key Verse
“There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?” John 6:9
Text — John 6:3-13
There’s a song by David
Ingles titled “You hold a miracle” _
“It’s in your hand, you hold a miracle
Though not much to you, turn it to Him And He’ll take what you give to Him, And make it what you want to be A miracle, it’s in your hand.”
The lyrics of the song emphasize the fact that whatever you desire to have, you must play your part by placing everything in God’s hand. The little lad in our Bible passage willingly surrendered the five loaves, and two small fishes he had to Jesus, and the little became more than enough to feed five thousand men besides women and children.
Jesus is the only one capable of turning lives and situations around to suit His divine purpose. When you surrender your life, education, money, career, family, health, and friends to Him, He turns it around and makes it more fruitful and abundant. The miracle of the newness of life and fruitfulness is in Jesus.
Further Reading
Mark 10:27
Prayer for today
Jesus, I give my life to you, please make me what you want me to be.
Well done job!
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