Lift Up Your Eyes To God.
Thursday, March 9, 2023Key Verse
“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” Psalm 121:1
Text — Psalm 121:1-8
Man cannot help himself to go through the challenges of life – he needs God. If a man cannot help himself, will he be able to help another? He cannot. That is what the Psalmist realized that made him declare that he would look up to the hills (to God in heaven) who alone is able to help him. Generation after generation of men have trusted God for their lives and have not been disappointed. It is your own time now – will you look up to Him? A life that looks up to Jesus is a life of joy, peace, love, abundance, health, and many more good things. Jesus knows everything about you and is willing and ready to take you through every stage of your life.
Have you been depending on what man gives you or has promised to give you? Turn your attention to Jesus, He will meet your spiritual, financial, physical, and emotional needs.
You cannot trust in God and be put to shame – He is a present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). You do not need to book an appointment to see Him, He is right beside you and can be reached anytime. Take a step closer to God today and you will be glad as He will embrace you.
Further Reading
Micah 7:7
Prayer for today
Lord, I look up to You, help me not to shift my gaze, for You are all I need.
Lord Jesus, I look up to You, help me not to shift my gaze, for You are all I need.
God is faithful