Key Verse
“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1).
Text — Colossians 3:1-7
In stanza 4 of the hymn, ‘Let others see Jesus in You,’ B. B. McKinney wrote, “Then live for Christ both day and night, Be faithful, be brave and true, And lead the lost to life and light; Let others see Jesus in you.” Some Christian youths have problem with their Christian lives. After thesubmissive to her guardian, Mordecai both as his ward and as the first lady in Shushan the Palace. Submission to elders is a sign of good home training. It signifies a well-groomed and cultured lifestyle. And above all, it is a sign of submission and obedience to scriptural principles.
Here are ways to demonstrate submission to elders: (i) When with elders, be ready to listen rather than speak. (ii) Be polite to them. (iii) Covet the advice of elders. (iv) Visit the elderly in your neighbourhood or fellowship. (v) Give them preference; for instance, allow them to have the seat on a bus. (vi) Ask after their welfare. (vii) Appreciate them for their favours. (viii) Run errands for them, give a helping hand. If you desire submission from your juniors, learn to respect your elders. Respect is reciprocal.
Respect is reciprocal.
Submission to elders is a sign of good upbringing.
Prayer for today
God, give me the humility to be submissive.