It Is True If God Said It
Tuesday, January 30, 2024Key Verse
“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good” (Numbers 23:19)
Text — Numbers 23:19-23
Some school girls were playing on the field when one of them suddenly screamed. The little girl threw a picture to her mates and bluntly declared: “I’m gonna ride on this type of sport bike to celebrate my birthday.” “It’s not possible!” a mate shouted. “That type of bike isn’t available on the local market.” “My dad promised me and I believe. He has never lied to me. That settles the matter,” the little girl replied her mates.
Truly, the little girl rode to school on the bike to celebrate her birthday to the admiration of her doubtful friends. Her dad had procured it during one of his trips abroad and kept it away from home. It was to be presented to her on her birthday. Faith in God turns impossibility to possibility. Jehovah is a God of integrity and what He says is always credible as today’s Bible text states. Whatever God promises, He is able to do. God has promised His children good success, good health, protection, deliverance, favour, guidance, etc. and His promises are Yes and Amen.
Faith turns impossibility to possibility
His promises are Yes and Amen.
Prayer for today
Lord, let my trust rest in Thee.