Memory Verse
“Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem: And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name.” (Acts 9:13).
Text: Acts 9:10-19.
Our text presents the discourse between Jesus and Ananias, one of His disciples in Damascus. This was subsequent to Christ’s encounter with Saul on his journey to Damascus to arrest Christ’s followers, during which Saul was struck with blindness. Jesus, in a vision, instructed Ananias to go and restore Saul’s sight. Initially, Ananias resisted, trying to tutor the Omniscient Lord on Saul’s status as a merciless persecutor of the church, whose mission to Damascus was to bind followers of Christ. With further instruction, Ananias obeyed the Lord, went to Saul, and restored his sight. Like Ananias, Jesus can use you to bring other youths to Himself.
God is ever ready to use His obedient children to save sinners and establish them in the faith. Are you willing and ready to be used? Many youths are around you, persecuting uncompromising Christian youths, and propagating social vices in schools, work places and the community. God wants to save them through you. Do not tutor Jesus when He sends you. Just obey and souls will be drawn to God’s kingdom.
Be ready to be used of God without hesitation.
Don’t tutor Jesus when He sends you
Prayer for today
Help me Lord to promptly obey You always.