Key Verse
“Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them” (Genesis 3:21)
Text — Genesis 3:20-24
Adam and Eve were the first created humans on earth. They were placed in the Garden of Eden, and given dominion over all created things. God authorized them to eat the fruit from every tree in the Garden except the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Deceived by Satan, they disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit. They became aware of their nakedness and hid themselves from God.
However, God, in His love covered their nakedness with coats of skin. Friend, sin makes us naked before God. If you are living in sin you are naked, and need to be covered.
Literally speaking, many people in our modern age are going back to nakedness. Do you not see boys and girls, and even adults who dress partially naked? Some women wear blouses that expose their chests and other sensitive parts of their bodies. Many young people shamelessly put on jeans trousers that are ripped open at the knees, thighs and elsewhere. This is not decent. Repent today and the Lord will forgive you, and cover your nakedness with His robe of righteousness.
Sin makes us naked before God
Receive Christ, the covering for your nakedness.
Prayer for today
Help me O God to obey You always, in Jesus’ name.