Key Verse
“And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand.” Revelation 8:4
Text — Revelation 8:1-4
God desires, is interested, and loves to hear us speak to Him every day. Our Bible passage reveals an important secret about the prayer of saints. The repeated mention of the prayers of the saints indicates that the intercessory prayers of believers are extremely important to God. He cherishes and values our communion with Him.
We also understand that God stores up our prayers. Although He may not answer all our prayers immediately, He does not throw them aside but keeps them for the proper time of fulfillment. Hence, the reference to our prayers as incense before God.
Incense is a perfume you burn. It smells nice and wonderful and when you use it, it touches everything with its strong smell.
Our prayers are like incense. God loves our prayers and is happy to hear each and every one. It makes Him glad that we come to Him to discuss our lives, hopes, needs, thoughts, and questions. You name it, God wants to hear about it – every day of our lives! So, don’t forget to talk to God because He wants to hear.
Further Reading
Psalm 5:1-3
Prayer for today
Lord, thank You for always hearing my prayers, Amen.
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