Key Verse
“And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it” (Genesis 2:15).
Text — Genesis 2:15-19
From childhood, man begins to work. It may begin with dismantling and recoupling of toys, but it is work for a child learning to apply its psychomotor skills. Adam and Eve were created by God as adults with instructions to dress and keep the Garden of Eden. That was work. Verse 19 of our Bible text says that God gave Adam the duty to give names to every living creature made by Him. So Adam was the first biologist. Education and enterpreneural skills acquisition help us to learn to work. Thomas Edison said, “I never did anything worth doing by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work.”
Friend, your school or vocational training centre must be preparing you for work that will benefit humanity. Put your mind to having a vision of millions of people nationally or globally that you will help to solve their problems. Whether you become an accountant, engineer; a medical doctor, or carpenter, let the work meet needs and bring you fulfilment. Thanks be to God! It is Workers’ Day.
Let the work meet needs.
Greet workers, including your parents.
Prayer for today
Oh God, help to improve the lot of all workers, in Jesus’ name.