Key Verse
“And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward” (Genesis 13:14).
Text — Genesis 13:14-18
In our devotional yesterday, Lot saw the green pasture in the desert and without prayer, chose the plain of Jordan. God knows the future of all lands and men. Lot hasted away to the unknown green land hoping to be richer than Abraham in a short while. He was not spiritual, God’s leading was strange to him. Many young people are sorrowing and regretting their hasty decisions in career, travels, and marital plans, like Mr. Lot.
Today, Abraham standing on about the same spot where Lot stood, God told him to look to the four cardinal ends of the land Northwards, Southwards, Eastwards and Westwards. What he saw included what covetous Lot saw but now God awarded all to Abraham and his lineage after him. No wonder Lot had several troubles in Sodom until God consumed the inhabitants of the land with fire. Beloved, learn from Abraham. He was a peace maker, meek and humble. He told Lot to choose a portion before him. He did not want quarrels between his herdsmen and those of Lot. God rewarded Abraham’s love for peace. Flee from rancour.
He was a peace maker
Are you meek and lowly in heart?
Prayer for today
Heavenly Father, help me to be meek, in Jesus’ name.
Thank you sir. I always make hasty decisions and I always regret it