Key Verse
“And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it’’ (Colossians 4:17).
Text — Colossians 4:15-18
The desire for excellent performance in examination or skill acquisition demands time and hard work. Lazy and indolent students lack adequate and painstaking preparation while there is yet time. This is the cause of many academic failures and poor performance among youths. Aside from this, a ministry of soul-winning is committed to every Christian youth. Many young people die daily across the world due to sinful habits. Do not neglect to preach and pray for your sinner- peers.
For excellent grades in this session of academics, get started today. Be mindful that continuous assessment tests begin shortly after the resumption. Prepare a personal workable timetable with all your school subjects included. Ensure that you attend classes regularly and ask questions when necessary. My child, try to write notes on all the subjects and do your homework.
Moreover, set achievable goals and study with concentration every day for reasonable hours. Spend more time on harder subjects. When the examination draws near, intensify efforts on your study, avoiding all distractions. Review past questions. Proper preparation will prevent panic, anxiety, and temptation to cheat in your exams.
Attend classes regularly
Do you have a workable time table?
Prayer for today
Lord, give me wisdom to prepare early for my exams.