From Grass To Grace
Wednesday, November 1, 2023Key Verse
“The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up” (I Samuel 2:7)
Text — 1 Chronicles 4:9,10
A minister wrote, “Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies outside the will of God.” Today’s study is on Jabez and his rise from, ‘grass to grace.’ Grass in this sense indicates the lowest rung of the ladder of success while grace depicts a place of honour. Jabez, was so called because of the sorrow that surrounded his birth, yet he was able through faith and prayers to change his destiny. Negative circumstances around some people have led them to the fast lane of drug addiction, prostitution, robbery, and even suicide; thereby destroying their lives and ending up in irreversible agony in hell fire.
The Holy Spirit provides infallible answers to all human problems through the Scriptures. Friend, let God have His way in your life. At the end of the dark tunnel you will see the light. God has neither forgotten nor written you off. You were created by Him to fulfil a glorious purpose here on earth. Work hard at something good. Like Jabez, through prayer and faith in Christ you can turn things around and reach your glorious destiny.
Let God have His way in your life
Jabez changed his destiny through prayer.
Prayer for today
Oh God, help me to fulfil my destiny in Jesus name.
Thank you for such inspiration words!always to seek GOD direction and guidance for our ministry life.
God bless you , i shared