Key Verse
“Thou also, which hast judged thy sisters, bear thine own shame for thy sins that thou hast committed more abominable than they…” (Ezekiel 16:52).
TEXT — Ezekiel 16:44-52
Many years ago, a man wanted to play in the Imperial Orchestra, but he could not play a note. Since he was a person of great wealth and influence, he demanded to be allowed to join the orchestra so that he could perform in front of the king. The conductor agreed to let him sit in the second row of the orchestra. Even though he could not read music, he was given a flute and when a concert would begin, he would raise his instrument, pucker his lips and move his fingers. He went through all the motions of playing but never made a sound.
This deception went on for two years. Then one day, a new conductor took over the orchestra. He told the group that he wanted to personally audition all the players to see how well they could play. The audition would weed out those who did not meet his standards. Frantic with worry when it was his turn, the phony flutist pretended to be sick but the doctor who examined him declared that he was perfectly well. Shamefacedly, the man had to confess that he was a fake.
In our passage, God confronts the people of Judah with their sins and atrocities, which had exceeded those of other hideous nations as Samaria and Sodom whom He had punished. The people of Judah, who knew more of the righteous demands of God and had even witnessed His punishment on erring heathen nations, should have lived better.
Like them, many people know about the grace of God and how to be free from sin but in reality, they are fakes? If they fail to repent, damnation awaits them in eternity. If you profess to be saved from sin, the proof is a daily life of righteousness and transparent holiness.
Thought for the day
The life you live determines your relationship with the Lord.
- Bible
- in one year
- 2 CHRONICLES 13 – 17
Good morning beloved brethren. Please, while the heading, text, key verse, thought for the day and Bible reading are consistent with the hard copy of the Daily Manna for today; the message body is the same as that of yesterday. Please work on it ASAP. Thank you.
Ideally, the Daily Manna for today Sunday 23rd July 2023 should be as shown below 👇
📜📜TEXT: EZEKIEL 16:44-52📜📜
🔑📖 KEY VERSE: “Thou also, which hast judged thy sisters, bear thine own shame for thy sins that thou hast committed more abominable than they…” (EZEKIEL 16:52).
Many years ago, a man wanted to play in the Imperial Orchestra, but he could not play a note. Since he was a person of great wealth and influence, he demanded to be allowed to join the orchestra so that he could perform in front of the king. The conductor agreed to let him sit in the second row of the orchestra. Even though he could not read music, he was given a flute and when a concert would begin, he would raise his instrument, pucker his lips and move his fingers. He went through all the motions of playing but never made a sound. This deception went on for two years. Then one day, a new conductor took over the orchestra. He told the group that he wanted to personally audition all the players to see how well they could play. The audition would weed out those who did not meet his standards. Frantic with worry when it was his turn, the phony flutist pretended to be sick but the doctor who examined him declared that he was perfectly well. Shamefacedly, the man had to confess that he was a fake.
In our passage, God confronts the people of Judah with their sins and atrocities, which had exceeded those of other hideous nations as Samaria and Sodom whom He had punished. The people of Judah, who knew more of the righteous demands of God and had even witnessed His punishment on erring heathen nations, should have lived better.
Like them, many people know about the grace of God and how to be free from sin but in reality, they are fakes. If they fail to repent, damnation awaits them in eternity. If you profess to be saved from sin, the proof is a daily life of righteousness and transparent holiness.
✍🏽 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The life you live determines your relationship with the Lord.
Don’t Be A Disgraceful Christain.
Thanks for this. Was wondering at the post
Please check your contents as you put new Headline but the message today is still what was posted yesterday (22/07/23)
Good morning Sir.
The narrative does not agree with the scripture text read. Thanks 🙏.
Thank you daddy,God has used you to bring me out of the dunghill through the truth of the word of God you preach.God bless you daddy.
This ministry really minister the word of God so that my understanding is enlightened.
I love this ministry.
I love this ministry.
I thank God for this ministry. Thank God also for the obedience of those who work tirelessly for it to be a success.