Key Verse
“And I will put a division between my people and thy people: to morrow shall this sign be.” Exodus 8:23
Text — Exodus 8:20-23
Before she left the class to see the principal, Mrs. Daniel, the class teacher, left a Mathematics assignment on the board for all the students. This, she thought, would keep everybody busy and check noise making. While she was still some meters away from the class, she heard a loud noise, as if the class was in a turmoil. As she got close to the class, the students sighted her and the class suddenly became quiet. She decided that everyone in the class must be punished. To her relief, the class prefect presented to her the list of the noise makers. She was happy she could now make a division between the noise makers and the orderly ones.
God always puts a division between those who fear Him and those who do not fear Him. He cannot punish the righteous and the unrighteous people together. It was so in the land of Egypt. God placed a divine division between the children of Israel and the Egyptians. While the Egyptians were battling with the plague of flies, the children of Israel had perfect comfort and peace.
Very soon, God is going to put a permanent division between the righteous and the unrighteous. This He will do through the rapture.
The saints will be taken up to heaven while sinners will be left to suffer in the Great Tribulation. You must strive to be among the righteous and be ready for the rapture.
Further Reading
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
Prayer for today
Lord, when that final division will come, count me worthy to go with You.