Sunday, April 16, 2023Key Verse
“I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not.” 3 John 1:9
Text — 3 John 1:9-12
The Epistle of John tells us about a very proud church leader named Diotrephes. He liked to have his own way all the time, even when he was wrong. In fact, he chased people out of the church if they did not agree with him. He wanted to be the big boss and the one who got special attention. When visitors came to the church, they always introduced the visitors to Diotrephes. He always got to speak first and longest. Everyone had to listen to him. Everything was all about him. Diotrephes did not realize that the church is not a place to show off, he was not humble at all.
Have you ever known a person like Diotrephes or are you like him? People have to step aside so you can pass and you want recognition for everything you do. This is not a good Christian virtue. God wants us to learn to wait, give others first place, and understand that other people have ideas and thoughts too. Remember, the Bible counsels that in honor, we should prefer one another.
Further Reading
Romans 12:9,10
Prayer for today
Lord, I want only to please You. Help me to be humble at all times.
God Bless You