“Be Clean”
Wednesday, June 19, 2024Key Verse
“Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” John 15:3
Text — John 15:1-8
Gabriel loves wearing his white shirt to church. One Sunday morning, as he was going, a speeding car splashed dirty water on his body. This put a stain on his white shirt and he was so sad. He had to return home to change it. In our Bible passage, Jesus Christ, our Master was talking to His disciples, teaching them the necessity of becoming clean through His spoken word. The word of God is quick and powerful and it is a cleanser of every stain of sin. If you submit yourself to the teaching of the word and obey all that it commands, you will be cleansed and clean.
What does it take to be clean? Genuine repentance and turning away from all sin is the foundation of a life clean and pure. Do not delay, as any stain on your white garment disqualifies you completely from entering into the kingdom of God. Make up your mind today to be clean. Tell Jesus you are sorry for your wrong doings. Ask Him to forgive and wash your heart clean with His blood. Then open your heart for the Saviour to come in to live as your personal Saviour, Lord and Friend.
Further Reading
1 John 1:5-10
Prayer for today
Lord, make me clean and worthy for Your kingdom.