“Born Again?”
Monday, November 25, 2024Key Verse
“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3
Text — John 3:1-7
Every child and every person in the word today was born of their earthly parents. They were born with and possess the nature (behaviour and character) of sin and disobedience of their great grandparents, Adam and Eve. This is also true for animals. Their offspring have the characteristics of their parents. A puppy barks like a dog because of the nature of the animal who gave birth to it. Because it carries the nature of its parents, an eaglet flies and soars like the mother eagle.
Jesus’ answer to Nicodemus’ question in our key verse made it clear that anyone who wants to a get to heaven must be “born again” by the Spirit of God. This means that for a child to have the righteous nature of God, which qualifies him for heaven, he must be born of the Spirit of God, this is the second birth (born again). To be born of God, you must turn away from your sins, sincerely ask God to forgive you, accept and believe in Jesus as your Saviour and Lord. Do this right away. Go ahead, Jesus is eagerly waiting for you. Friends of Jesus must continue to obey God and tell others about the love of Jesus.
Further Reading
Revelation 3:20-22
Prayer for today
Dear Father, I turn away from all my sins and receive Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord.