Blessed To Be A Blessing
Monday, December 11, 2023Key Verse
“And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing” (Genesis 12:2).
Text — Genesis 12:2-7
Blessing represents everything that is pleasant and desirable in life. It means favour, goodness, mercy, benefits and prosperity. A blessed man is a happy man. Everybody desires to receive a blessing somehow, especially from God. Children desire to receive blessings from their parents, especially when the parents are about to depart this world. Esau pleaded for his father’s blessing and sought it with tears. God had endowed His children with various blessings through Christ. These include peace of mind, forgiveness of sins, the love of God, health and happiness, gifts and talents, joy for today and hope for tomorrow and the things that pertain to life and godliness.
These blessings are bestowed on us, not just for our own enjoyment, but that we may become channels of blessings to others. The patriarch, Abraham, was an example of a man who was blessed and became a blessing to others. Through his faith, faithfulness and fellowship with God, he became a blessing to his descendants. We can bless others through our sincere devotion to God, selfless service to others, sacrificial giving, preaching the gospel and bearing the burden of others through prayers.
A blessed man is a happy man
We can bless others through sacrificial giving.
Prayer for today
Lord, make me a channel of blessing today.