Key Verse
“These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God” (Gen 6:9).
Text — Genesis 6:5-14; 9:20-24
After the sin of Adam, his descendants fell short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Only a few of them turned to God in repentance for righteousness. Sin soon assumed a very wide scope and it attracted God’s wrath for the first worldwide judgment and destruction.
Noah was a great-grandson of righteous Enoch. He lived at a time when the world was most corrupted with ungodly marriages and violence. God was very sad about the daily evil desires and practices among men. But Noah found grace being just and morally perfect before God. God planned to destroy the earth; He told Noah to construct an Ark for his escape.
Through obedience, Noah, his wife, three sons, and their wives were saved. God blessed Noah to repopulate the world. One day Noah got drunk with wine and was naked. Ham, one of his sons mocked him and told his two brothers. They covered their father’s nakedness with a piece of cloth. The lesson from Noah is that we must watch and pray after we have escaped the corruption in this world.
Watch and pray
Steadfast holiness is the key to walking with God.
Prayer for today
Holy Father, keep me righteous by your grace, in Jesus’ name.