Key Verse
“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you” (John 15:19).
TEXT — John 15:18-27
Someone once described Christians as scuba divers who carry the air that they breathe underwater with them. The analogy means that the Christian is a heavenly citizen who, although is physically on earth, is living in a “heavenly” environment. He is in the world but is not of the world.
Jesus told His disciples the implications of their decisions to follow Him in this passage. While the people of the world would be celebrated for their sundry activities, His disciples, on the other hand, would be vilified for choosing to follow Him. The reason they would attract the hatred of the world is because the world hates Him and by extension, those who belong to Him.
To make things easier for the disciples, Jesus used a master-servant illustration, He being the Master and the disciples servants. The idea here is that people who are filled with hatred to the point of hating and killing the Master will do worse things to the servants. Jesus, therefore, wanted the disciples to take consolation in the power and comfort of the Holy Ghost to help them as they continue to testify of Him even in difficult circumstances.
True believers are not of the world even though they live in the world. Our moral and social basis of evaluation are not the same. The believer takes instructions for decision making from the word of God while the world mirrors the satan-controlled system of evil as often portrayed in cultural realities. We must not be afraid, therefore, of persecution but at all times ask for sustaining grace and wisdom to bear harassment, maltreatment and oppression the world will throw at us.
Thought for the day
The Christian, though in the world, is not of the world.
- Bible
- in one year
- JOB 21 – 25
Great truth
Thank you so much for the inspiring words