Memory Verse
“Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” Philippians 2:4
Text: Philippians 2:1-5
Ralph’s mum, while speaking about Ralph to Sister Janet said “He has stopped telling lies, being naughty and disobedient. He does his homework and house chores now and no longer wait to be reminded. In fact, a lot of changes has taken place in his life.” She continued, “I am happy. Ralph’s life is an encouragement to me.”
To be an encouragement means to give someone support, hope, comfort and help. Friends of Jesus are called to encourage one another and live a life that is an encouragement to our parents, teachers and an example to other children. You can share with your friends what you learnt during the Bible Study in church, speak to sinners about the love of Jesus and pray for those going through difficult times.
Barnabas was an example of someone whose life was an encouragement. His first name was Joses. But he was surnamed Barnabas (son of consolation – Acts 4:36,37) by the apostles because his life was an encouragement and blessing to the life of many, including to Paul the Apostle. Is God happy about your life?
Are you living in disobedience? Repent and ask God to help you live a life of obedience. Let your life be an encouragement to someone today. Pray now and ask God for grace.
Further Reading:
1 Thessalonians 5:11-15
Prayer for today
Dear Father, help me to be a blessing and an encouragement to someone today in Jesus’ name.