Key Verse
“Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread” (Matthew 4: 1,3).
Text — Matthew 4:1-4
Temptation is an enticement to do evil. Satan is the personality behind every temptation. It is a common experience, and no one, including youths, is immune to it. Christ’s temptation foreshadows the fact that all believers will invariably be tempted. “Jesus was tempted not because He was bad, but because He was important,” says G. B. Duncan. As a Christian youth, are you ever tempted? Temptation is not sin, but yielding to it is. In the next few days, we shall be considering areas of Christ’s temptation by Satan, namely: appetite, ambition, and avarice.
In our text today, Satan tempted Christ on appetite, having fasted, and obviously hungry. Cashing in on Christ’s immediate need for food, Satan asked Him to turn stones into bread to satisfy His hunger. Friend, watch it! Satan will tempt you when and where you are most vulnerable. Watch your appetite! Esau lost his birthright because of food. Christ overcame Satan with God’s Word. So, study God’s Word, know it, and use it like Christ did to overcome temptations.
Watch your appetite
Be watchful and prayerful, Satan is on the prowl.
Prayer for today
Help me Lord, to overcome temptations.