Key Verse
“Remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice; Selah.” Psalm 20:3
Text — Psalm 20:1-9
Sacrifice according to our key verse means an offering made to pay forbsin or appeal for favour from God. There are sacrifices that are acceptable to God such as a living sacrifice and that is what we should offer unto God.
To offer an acceptable sacrifice, you must be clean. There must be no stain or defilement in your Iife. If any unclean thing is found in you then there is no amount of sacrifice you make that will be accepted. You will end up offering an unworthy sacrifice. Cain and Abel were brothers who offered sacrifices to God. Cain who brought a portion of his farm produce was rejected. On the other hand, Abel who offered the best of his animals was accepted by God. The difference in their sacrifices was the state of their hearts.
You have a responsibility today to repent of your sins, so that your sacrifice of praise, thanksgiving offering, singing, ushering, prayers, helping the needy will be acceptable to God.
Further Reading
Romans 12:1,2
Prayer for today
Lord, I offer my life as a living sacrifice unto You.